This is the message from support. And it works.
Please go to Backups – Disk and make sure there are no jobs “DC-TCHQMSG01” and “DC-AD_BB” there.
If yes – please right-click on it and select “Remove from backups”. Then you’ll be able to delete the repository.
If no – please do the following:
Please make one more backup of Veeam database (just in case). Then run the following queries against Veeam database:
delete from [Replicas] where backup_id = ‘9F7BBFCD-2DA0-4B8B-A1CE-7D3B99B6883F’
delete from [Backup.Model.OIBs] where point_id = ‘1E727CD1-1AE8-4936-BB65-04BCFE089E44’
delete from [Backup.Model.Points] where backup_id = ‘9F7BBFCD-2DA0-4B8B-A1CE-7D3B99B6883F’
delete from [Backup.Model.storages] where backup_id = ‘9F7BBFCD-2DA0-4B8B-A1CE-7D3B99B6883F’
delete from [Backup.Model.Backups] where job_name = ‘DC-TCHQMSG01’
delete from [Replicas] where backup_id = ‘503E56A1-EE65-447C-9E04-8BEE21E0B486’
delete from [Backup.Model.OIBs] where point_id = ‘B90C452C-9A6A-46D9-BE2E-89675A490E13’
delete from [Backup.Model.Points] where backup_id = ‘503E56A1-EE65-447C-9E04-8BEE21E0B486’
delete from [Backup.Model.storages] where backup_id = ‘503E56A1-EE65-447C-9E04-8BEE21E0B486’
delete from [Backup.Model.Backups] where job_name = ‘DC-AD_BB’